
Home Insulation - Insulating the Pipes and Walls of a Boiler Room

In this home, recently retrofitted by Dr. Energy Saver to become more energy efficient, a huge amount of heat and energy was being lost through the uninsulated foundation walls and the pipes in the boiler room. 

According to laws of physics temperatures move from more to less. In this home, the heat produced by the boiler unit was being dispersed into the boiler room through uninsulated pipes. That heat in the boiler room was then conductively transferred to the outside, through the concrete walls. That means that the boiler unit was consistently working harder to keep the home comfortable, since a significant portion of the heat being produced never made it into the conditioned living space. In other words, a portion of the air that this homeowner was paying to heat was being wasted in the boiler room. Dr. Energy Saver solved that problem by insulating the pipes in the boiler room and the foundation walls, to keep that heat from being lost to the outside. Foundation wall insulation is always a great idea in any home, but it is a must in basements and crawl spaces that house HVAC ducts and combustion appliances.

If you want to learn about more ways to get the best performance and savings out of your existing heating and cooling system, or for information about HVAC system upgrades, visit our website or contact Dr. Energy Saver to schedule a home energy evaluation.

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Dr. Energy Saver of Connecticut
33 Progress Ave, Suite 2
Seymour, CT 06483
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