Kneewall Insulation With SilverGlo
To best insulate the knee-wall, the team installed SilverGlo wall panels. SilverGlo wall panels are uniquely made; they are infused with graphite powder to improve insulating value. Each board also has a reflective coating that acts as an effective radiant barrier, sealing air and extreme temperatures out.

Air Sealing and Insulating
After the SilverGlo was installed, we sealed the edges of it with foam to stop any air leakage. We then dense packed the roof slopes with our TruSoft cellulose insulation. This combination of air sealing and insulating the kneewalls and roof is the perfect solution to the drafty, cold upstairs rooms of Cape style homes!

Insulated Attic Utility Room
Here is a view of the insulated utility room. The team used polyisocyanurate rigid foam boards to seal off the ducts and pipes from extreme temperatures.

Polyisocyanurate Insulation Boards
The polyisocyanurate foam boards installed in the utility room are one of the best forms of rigid insulation. The foam boards provide an R-value of 6.5-6.8 per square inch and are flame retardant; allowing the boards to remain exposed unlike other forms of insulation.

Garage Ceiling Insulation
One of the final steps in this project was insulating the garage roof. A hole was cut into the garage ceiling, then the Trusoft cellulose insulation was put into the ceiling space. A piece of SilveGlo wall paneling was used to enclose the area.

Cellulose and SilverGlo
This photo is after blowing in the cellulose insulation, but prior to the ceiling repair. The TruSoft cellulose not only compresses existing fiberglass batts and adds insulation value, but the density stops airflow through the floor. As an additional benefit, Trusoft is treated with a nontoxic borate solution that gives the material a Class 1 (the highest) fire safety rating, while also making it resistant to mold and insects.

Ceiling Repair
Here is the finished product! This job resulted in warmer floors above the garage, more comfortable living spaces, quieter floors upstairs, and lower heating bills!