Attic Storage Deck & Whole House Fan
While insulating the attic, we worked in plenty of storage space and also included a custom-made cover for the whole house fan. These fans can be a major source of air leaks. The solution was an airtight box made of SilverGlo rigid foam insulation board, completely air sealed, and an airtight lid which can be removed by the homeowners when they want to use the fan.

Insulating the Storage Deck
Of course all of that storage area needed to be insulated, too. This was accomplished by first covering that area with a layer of 4" SilverGlo rigid foam insulation, followed by a layer of oriented strand board (OSB). A barrier was added along the edges so that the rest of the attic spaces could be properly insulated with TruSoft blown in cellulose.

Insulting the B Vent
The A B Vents needed to be covered with metal flashing and fire caulk sealant. Eric created a dam space around the vents to keep the cellulose away.

Hatches Need to be Insulated, Too
This hatch cover insulates and air seals the pull down hatch door to this attic. Every hatch needs one! This will help prevent the unwanted flow of air in and out of the living space.