Uninsulated Attic in Westport, CT
With no insulation, this home in Westport, CT was very drafty. The first step was to air seal using a two-part spray foam to fill all of the gaps, seams, joints and holes that contribute to the air leaks.

Measuring the R-value
With the air sealing complete, the cellulose meter has been put in place to ensure that the proper amount of insulation is applied to reach the desired R-value.

Blowing in Cellulose
Cellulose is a great choice for effectively slowing or stopping air leaks that can waste energy and cause drafts. Made from recycled newspapers and treated with natural borate compounds, cellulose won't catch fire and is resistant to insects, rodents and mold.

A Fully Insulated Attic
A fully insulated attic ensures a more comfortable home environment and energy savings.

Completed Cellulose Insulation in Westport, CT Attic
Now this home in Westport, CT will be able to maintain comfortable temperatures year-round.