
Make Every Day Earth Day With Dr. Energy Saver

Make Every Day Earth Day With Dr Energy Saver - Image 1For more than 40 years now, we have set aside April 22nd, Earth Day, as a time to increase awareness and appreciation of the earth’s natural environment. Around the globe, individuals, communities and businesses volunteer in large ways and small to protect our resources, to foster learning and educational activities, all in the effort to save our planet.

Whether focusing on recycling, saving energy, indoor air quality, water pollution, sustainability and a myriad of other topics, people are eager to take action to help out around this time of year. They join community clean-ups, turn out the lights, walk vs. drive, and engage kids in workshops and festivals to do their part. And it all helps.

But not for long. To be effective, actions and results, need to be sustained for the long haul. Saving energy is topping the list of environmental protection because its effects are felt in so many ways. Dr. Energy Saver® focuses on saving energy all the time. Not for a day, or a week. All the time. It’s your prescription for lower energy bills®. As home-energy experts, Dr. Energy Saver shows you what you can do in your home to save energy while simultaneously reducing your energy bills, and improving your comfort and health . . . every day of the year.

We aim to provide you with cost effective solutions. In order to do just that, we first like to conduct a home energy audit. Here, we utilize a blower door test and evaluate your whole home—quite different from the typical audit performed by other companies. We then are able to properly diagnose the cause and recommend the best solution. Sometimes our homeowners are surprised to see what’s really causing the problem!

Once complete, we prioritize a list of solutions customized for your home!

Contact Dr. Energy Saver today to schedule an estimate for any of our many services including a home energy audit in CT including: Greenwich, Stamford, West Hartford, Danbury, and all surrounding cities and towns!

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Dr. Energy Saver of Connecticut
33 Progress Ave, Suite 2
Seymour, CT 06483
Service Area
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